
Showing posts from October, 2018

Best Exercise Equipment for Seniors

As one ages, it is important to still keep up with one’s fitness routines whether that is daily yoga sessions or quick runs in the morning. Maintaining such a routine is helpful as ease of mobility and joint movements goes on a steady dip as people age. However, seniors who are keen to keep on exercising should also understand that a 25 year old’s capacity to exercise is not the same as his, and therefore, should be able to distinguish which exercise equipment or exercise regiment should they stick with. Using exercise equipment is great in making sure that you are safely exercising and not putting undue strain on their muscles and joints. There is a multitude of exercise equipment available but this guide will focus on three: resistance training equipment, cardio equipment, and stretching and flexibility equipment. Resistance training equipment is those geared towards building or maintaining muscle strength. Continuously maintaining one’s muscle strength helps in doing da...

Creating Lasting Relationships with Grandchildren

Among the best things about being retired is being able to spend one’s time with loved ones, especially grandchildren. As your grandchildren goes through their own life stages, their interests change as well in the same way you transition from having no social time to having more free time that you would like. So, what’s the best way to spend time with them as they get older? Here are some ideas and fun activities you can do with your grandchildren. When they are in their early years just around 8 years and younger, arts and crafts are the way to go. You can construct paper lanterns, help them learn the art of origami and spend hours flying paper airplanes or floating paper boats on streams. Painting is also a nice activity to spend with your grandkids. They will surely love the colorful paintings you will both end up with. Making lava lamps is also never goes out of style for kids and you may also pique their interest in both science and art. When they start their middle schoo...

Getting Your Retirement Nest Ready

Retirement can either be exciting or daunting, depending on how much cushion you prepared for yourself. If you are part of the former, congratulations! Your hard work paid off and you can now harvest the fruits of your labor. However, if you find yourself to be the latter, don’t fret yet. You still have time but don’t rush to a retirement calculator just yet and start taking these actionable steps to help you get ready for retirement. The first step is self-awareness. Ask yourself, “How much do I have stashed away for retirement?” Second question should be, “What kind of lifestyle do I want?” Once you have the answers to these two questions, move on to the next step, you can now punch some numbers into a retirement calculator so you know how much money you should have saved up and how much more you need to get there. Just note that it is recommended that you retire with some saving of at least 10 times your last full time work year’s income. After getting that magic number, y...

Find a Hobby and Retire Well

Retirement is a phase in life everyone looks forward to because it gives people the freedom to do what they’ve always wanted to do in life but never had the time to, like traveling, reaching the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro, or watching a Broadway show in New York. After ticking off every single item on your to-do list, now what? You might need to starting looking for other things to keep yourself busy and here’s ideas to get you started. Volunteering Everyone has a cause or belief that they are passionate about, so why not pursue it? Volunteering not only gives one a purpose in life, it also helps out recipients of one’s time. A win-win situation. Volunteering is a social activity that allows you to develop relationships with the people you meet, and the best part about it is that these people has the same values as you and supports the same causes you do. Another perk of volunteering is you often get to access to events that often are not available to the public. If you like t...

The Importance of Socializing for Seniors

As one gets older, the more time is spent alone as shown in the American Times Use Survey. It just makes sense given that back in the younger years, one has to go through schooling and are surrounded by peers, then one enters the workforce where coworkers and one’s spouse take up most of one’s day. Spending time with children and taking care of one’s parents also are things that are expected, as one gets older. However, one’s free time significantly increase as one’s brood leaves the nest. In fact, the Administration on Aging says that half of women past 75 years of age still live on their own without anyone living with them. This lifestyle, while still good, can present a two-fold problem and may expose seniors to both mental and physical challenges. Isolation can dampen one’s mood, and the same is true for seniors living independently. If left ignored, depression, a condition two million of 34 million seniors in the US has, can set in. This can be aggravated when they have mo...